mixtapes of migration / ميكستيب الارتحال

mixtapes of migration was an hour-long radio edit of student work that aired in 2020 on radio al-hara

(Originally aired on 09.06.2020); 

see archive of individual works here: http://mixtapes.pnevmacollective.org

from radio al-hara:

اليوم رح نستضيف ميكستيب الارتحال، من تقديم طلاب في جامعة القدس بارد عملوها خلال الدراسة مع الاستاذ ينس هنديلار.. على ال ٢:٣٠ بتوقيت فلسطين…

Today we are hosting mixtape of Migration, done by students at Al Quds Bard college AQB Arts who are studying with Jens Haendeler.
at 2:30pm Palestine time
you can check their soundcloud page

the students who are part of this mixtape are:
Renad Issa, Savana Mjalli, Layan Dajani,
Yousef Abu Hilal, Nardeen Khalid, Odai Jouda,
Sariyah Abu Zant, Manar Rajabi, Leyana Salaymeh,
Samar Abu Kishek, Obada Al Hassasneh,
Yasmin Brighith, Dima Zahaika, Rana Hadieh,
Dina Alissa, Nura Al Khalili, Hazar Al Atrash