Workshop series at Bard College Annandale, NY. (with Omar Hmidat)
From within the context of al-mashaa–a form of collective lived space outside the framework of private/public ownership–we will embark on a journey across the places of those who join us in this workshop. Together we will map spaces/spatial practices (material or otherwise) that are rooted in this sense of commonality and collective land-use. The output will be a collectively workshopped zine that draws on our discussions, media and cartographic works carried out throughout the workshop.
The introductory lecture will lay out al-mashaa–conceptually and practically–first from within the context of Palestine, but then also as a translational trajectory of thought and practice, allowing us to open up the discussion to share and draw on a wide range of other examples. Our workshop on the 10th will focus on sharing the various forms of common land-use our participants find within their respective environments through a range of experimental forms of representation. The concluding workshop on the 14th will see us curating our discussion into an illustrated zine.